The Arizona Community Health Worker Workforce Coalition is a network of organizations collaborating with the Arizona Community Health Worker Outreach Network (AzCHOW) to support the sustainability of the Arizona CHW workforce. The Coalition is comprised of CHWs, including Promotores de Salud, Community Health Representatives, Community Health Advisors, and other related titles, and the University of Arizona, State and Local Health Departments, Community Health Centers, and Area Health Education Centers.
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CHW Voluntary Certification: FAQs HERE (en español)
On April 30th, 2018, Arizona’s 23rd Governor, Doug Ducey, signed Community Health Worker (CHW) Volunteer Certification HB2324 legislation into law. The bill’s passage represented another step in a long journey initiated by the Arizona CHW Association (AzCHOW) and the Arizona CHW Workforce Coalition to unify, support, and build recognition for CHWs. AzCHOW sought feedback from CHWs and Community Health Representatives around the state to ensure consensus for voluntary certification. After considering several alternative options to establish voluntary certification, the coalition engaged allies in the healthcare and public health arenas in the effort to pursue the legislation, which marks an important stage in establishing the sustainability of the workforce. It has been a 4-year journey of collaboration and effort that has brought this great success to the persistent work of many. Although there are extensive policy efforts to build health equity and address the social determinants of health, few focus on the importance of supporting a workforce largely responsible for addressing health disparities within the healthcare system. Over the next year, the Arizona Department of Health Services will convene a CHW Advisory Board responsible for defining the Voluntary Certification Process.
For more information, visit the AzCHOW Training Program Approval page with general information using the link below:
Kathryn Tucker MPH
CHW Resources:
Check out our infographic on Community Health Workers in Arizona! Download the PDF
Access our 2014 National Community Health Worker Advocacy Survey Reports.
The AzPRC has numerous collaborative publications on the CHW workforce.
National Conference on State Legislators Report: Incorporating Community Health Workers into State Health Care Systems: Options for Policymakers Download the Report
Department of Health & Human Services, Office of the Assistance Secretary for Planning and Evaluation: Community Health Workers: Roles and Opportunities in Health Care Delivery System Reform. Download the Brief

Contact: In light of today’s changing health care world, we believe now is our opportunity to identify the road map to support this vital workforce in Arizona. For more information on the Coalition please contact Jill DeZapien at