Freshlinks Training in Tucson Arizona
Freshlinks Training in Tucson Arizona
in 2018 the Arizona Prevention Research Center submitted an application to host the Freshlinks training team in Tucson Arizona. Early this year, our site was selected to host the training. On May 1st 2019, an all-day training was provided to numerous Community Action Board partners from all throughout southern Arizona.
FreshLink is the core research study of the Prevention Research Center for Healthy Neighborhoods (PRCHN) at Case Western Reserve University. The FreshLink Study is a multi-phase, mixed methods study in Greater Cleveland. Its aim is to Increase farmers’ market use among people receiving SNAP benefits through peer-to-peer dissemination and outreach to promote awareness of and social connectedness to markets.
The (PRCHN works with communities from within Cleveland and East Cleveland to prevent and reduce chronic disease (see It is funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and housed in the Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics in the School of Medicine at Case Western Reserve University.
Dr. Darcy Freedman Introduces Southern Arizona to the Freshlinks Training
The training was held at the Community Food Bank of Southern Arizona to a group of 20+ people made up of Nogales Farmer Market volunteers, Mariposa Community Health Center employees, Food Bank Employees, Cooperative Extension members, and University of Arizona Employees.
To learn more about the Freshlinks initiatve and find out how your farmer's markets can learn from this Prevention Center's Research be sure to visit their webpage here. If you or someone you know attended the training and would like to grow in the experiences and partnerships developed at the training, contact Ramses Sepulveda at the contact information provided below.