S.O.S.A. (Santa Cruz County Overcoming Substance Addiction) Consortium

June 13, 2023

S.O.S.A. (Santa Cruz County Overcoming Substance Addiction) Consortium Awareness Day Event:


The SOSA Consortium Awareness event initiated with an opening ceremony where Yara Castro (Mariposa Community Health Center program manager) provided a welcome, brief presentation of SOSA, and the purpose of the event.  Castro's intro was followed by Nogales Police Chief Roy Bermudez who also spoke on behalf of Arturo Garino, Nogales Arizona Mayor. On his behalf Chief Bermudez was present to proclaim the now signed and locally recognized International OD Awareness Day in the City of Nogales (August 31st).  his remarks and praises of the event followed.

The event had 2 individuals share their story of recovery and their overdose experience.  After that Martin Felix from project Hope honored those who have passed from overdose as well as those that have been victims of OD and are in the battle of addiction/recovery.  He then led the crowd in a prayer, moment of silence and purple balloon release.  Sheriff David Hathaway provided closing remarks for the ceremonial portion of the event.  After the ceremony he led a walk of hope around the track of Pierson field. 


The community was able to enjoy free food and the opportunity to learn about various programs and services available in the community.  There was an educational component as well, the Az National Guard was providing information on naloxone, the lifesaving drug in opioid overdose situations, as well as demonstrations on how to use it. Circles of Peace provided information on how youth is accessing drugs through Snapchat and social media. 


There was opportunity for people at the even to provide feedback.  The event was put together by a SOSA subcommittee which included partners from HOPE, Inc., AzPRC, Circles of Peace, and Mariposa Community Health Center.

To learn the latest on the SOSA consortium we invite you to follow the Mariposa Community Health Center facebook page:
https://www.facebook.com/MariposaCHC/ For more information, comments or questions please direct your emails to Yara Castro at ycastro@mariposachc.net



ramses sepulveda