Mariposa Program Highlighted in Publication
Attached an article hot off the press about the effectiveness of Vivir Mejor! (Live Better!) System for Diabetes Prevention and Care, a multi-sector consortium for which Mariposa is the lead. I have also attached a poster that was presented at the National Association of Community Health Centers (NACHC) Community Health Expo, for which The AzPRC provided some travel support.
As you can see, Maia and others from the AzPRC were very involved in the development and evaluation of Vivir Mejor! that is now listed as a promising program by the Rural Health Information Hub. We would not have achieved or been able to document the statistically-significant outcomes produced by Vivir Mejor! without our valued partnership with the AzPRC as a long-time and valued collaborator, which included important contributions by MPH students. click on the link for publication:
The Vivir Mejor! Consortium: A Rural, US-Mexico Collaborative Model to Prevent and Treat Diabetes