Funding Announcement: Prevention Research Centers

June 13, 2023

Funding Announcement: Prevention Research Centers


CDC is pleased to announce the new Prevention Research Center (PRC) network for the 2019-2024 funding cycle. The PRC program will fund 25 academic institutions to conduct applied public health prevention research. Funded PRCs will develop, test, and/or evaluate public health interventions for wide application, particularly in underserved communities, based on the latest science. This new PRC network will build on the strong achievements of previous PRC networks to advance innovative and important studies that are relevant for public health practice to improve health for people across the United States.

Prevention Research Center Network for 2019 – 2024 Funding Cycle.

The new network will begin September 30, 2019.

Colorado School of Public Health

Emory University

Georgia State University

Harvard School of Public Health

Johns Hopkins University

Morehouse School of Medicine

New York University School of Medicine and City University of New York School of Public Health

University of Alabama at Birmingham

University of Arizona

University of California, San Francisco

University of Illinois at Chicago

University of Iowa

University of Maryland, College Park

University of Massachusetts Medical School, Worcester

University of Michigan at Ann Arbor

University of Minnesota

University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

University of Rochester

University of South Carolina at Columbia

University of Washington

University of Wisconsin-Madison

Washington University

West Virginia University

Yale University


Ramses Sepulveda, MPA