Community Health Representatives Summit III

June 13, 2023



Community Health Representatives Summit III


On Wednesday August 23 and Thursday August 24th of 2017 the Yavapai Nation CHR program hosted the third annual Community Health Representative Summit (CHR). The two-day program of presentations, panel discussions and interactive dialogue centered around the topic of community health workers. 

Topics discussed during the summit included national, state and tribal issues regarding CHW/CHR reimbursement through Medicaid and Medicare. The need, cost, and benefits of a voluntary certification process for CHW/CHRs currently practicing as well as the understanding of the Arizona legislative process in relation to the various indigenous communities throughout the state. 

The event brought together some 65 stakeholders including but not limited to State of Arizona Legislative officials, many tribal leaders, CHRs, CHR supervisors, and higher education researchers/representatives. 

The conference began with opening blessings and remarks by Vincent Randall Apache Cultural Director withing the Yavapai-Apache Nation as well as the Honorable Jane Russell-Winiecki, Chairwoman of the Yavapai-Apache Nation. Background of the summit was presented by Yanitza Soto Community Action Board member of the Arizona Prevention Research Center and CHW program manager within the Arizona Department of Health Science and presentations regarding similar programs around the nation were giving by Indian Health Service representatives, this was led by Georgina Old Elk a CHR lead within the IHS. Dr. Manley Begay followed with a presentation concerning the connection of indigenous people and the current healthcare system.

Following a brief lunch intermission day 1 concluded with a series of presentations by Dr. Samantha Sabo from Northern Arizona University, Kristin Boilini of Pivotal Policy Consulting, Madison Fulton, Eric Hardy, and Eugenia Mattia of the Inter Tribal Council of Arizona, and Ron Speakman Supervisory Nurse Specialist and Director of San Xavier Health.  These presentations walked those gathered through a history of CHW advocacy, updates on current bills and where CHRs fit within our current healthcare system, what incorporating these roles more would look like and finally goals for CHRs within our Medicaid/Medicare system.

 Day 2 concluded the conference with a series of 4 workshops occurring concurrently and in rotation. Topics included diabetes, behavioral health, heart disease and healthy living evidence based education. 


The Arizona Prevention Research Center has been a proud sponsor of the CHR Summit three years in a row. Dr.Samantha Sabo and Director Kim Russell honored the AzPRC with a certificate of appreciation. 



Event Collaborators

Arizona Advisory Council on Indian Health Care, University of Arizona, Zuckerman College of Public Health - Arizona Prevention Research Center and the Center for American Indian Resilience, Arizona Department of Health Services, Inter Tribal Council of Arizona, Inc., Navajo Nation CHR Program, the Arizona Community Health Worker Outreach Worker Association.

Event Sponsors

University of Arizona, Arizona Health Education Centers (AHEC) Small Grants Program funded to the University of Arizona, Zuckerman College of Public Health - Arizona Prevention Research Center and the Center for American Indian Resilience.



For a full-summary of the conference and a copy of all the presentations, pictures, and handouts be sure to visit the Arizona Advisory Council on Indian Healthcare Website.


Ramses Sepulveda, MPA